Spending Cookie Money

Hello Girl Scouts!

Wow, what a great cookie season! It was amazing to see everyone out participating in the cookie program and I was so impressed with your girls – so sweet and professional! Now that your troop accounts are flush with sweet cookie “dough” I have been getting a lot of questions regarding how to use troop funds.

What exactly are the do’s and don’ts? It can easily be summed up in these three simple rules:

  • Troops funds benefit the whole troop (not an individual or just a couple of people; and should be limited to actual troop members and volunteers)
  • The girls decide how troop funds are spent (GIRLS decide, adults guide and should be careful not to unduly influence decision)
  • Event and activities should relate to Girl Scout program goals Discover, Connect, Take Action (this does not mean everything has to be PBS educational, having fun learning new skills and trying new things is good)

For more information about the Girl Scout program goals take the Leadership Essentials course provided online.
Here are links to the financial references:
Volunteer Essentials

Troop/Group Treasurer Self-Study Guide
Financial Guidelines

Hope this helps everyone. I have also attached a quick outline of the GIRL SCOUT PHILOSOPHY ON FINANCES which I hope you share with all your Girl Scout leaders, volunteers, and parents.

Mia Watson-Good

Volunteer Support Coordinator

Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council

1231 Upas Street

San Diego, CA 92103

(619) 610-0786

(760) 444-9013 ext 786 (M/W Balboa, T/Th/Fri NCSC)
