Coastal Cleanup Day Sept 15

Hello Volunteers!

Thank you for your past participation in I Love A Clean San Diego’s countywide cleanup events, Creek to Bay and Coastal Cleanup Day! Registration is now open for this year’s California Coastal Cleanup Day, scheduled for Saturday, Sept 15th from 9AM – 12noon. Choose from 80+ inland parks, canyons, and waterways, as well as beaches and bays to remove trash, plant native flora, remove invasive plants, paint out graffiti, and more alongside thousands of fellow San Diegans! This event’s reach does not stop in San Diego – volunteers will cover all of California, as well as all 50 states and over 100 countries for a united joint effort to support our oceans worldwide!

Visit to view cleanup sites, maps, directions, and instructions. As you peruse cleanup site options, consider organizing a volunteer team at an inland location. You will see on the Coastal Cleanup Day website that certain cleanup sites are listed in “green” text. This means that they are in need of a little extra help, so sending your volunteer group there would be great. Gather friends, family, scout troops, and coworkers to join in and lend a helping hand. Once you select a site, you can register your group to participate together under your name. An event flyer is attached if you would like to spread the word to your group.

There is a lot in store for this year’s event, including continuing the focus on bringing your own reusable cleanup supplies, the Bling Your Bucket art contest, and scout patches, as well as new focuses on the Japanese tsunami debris, on the water cleanups with boaters, and a partnership with the Girl Scouts of San Diego for their 100th Anniversary!

We hope to see you there to support the treasured outdoors of San Diego County, your community, and I Love A Clean San Diego.


Best regards,


Natalie Roberts

Director of Community Events

I Love A Clean San Diego


2508 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 150

San Diego, CA 92106